ever notice how some people who feed their dogs raw food act like they know everything?

And not only do they know everything about their own dogs but apparently that makes them know what’s best for your canine too! HA!

They’ll say things like, you ought to “never” feed ground meat or you ought to “always” feed organic. Or “kibble causes cancer.” Virkelig? If only it were that simple!

Du godeste.

I can barely manage my own dog, let alone tell anybody else what they ought to finish with theirs.

But, I do feel that feeding a canine raw food involves taking on some amount of risk and worry, and I’m ok with that. You’ll have to let me know if you agree.

So, assuming you feed your canine raw or are thinking about feeding raw, here are 5 health issues you will deal with. Har jeg ret? check them out and let me know what else you’d add to the list.

5 health issues when feeding raw canine food

1. Your canine will get an upset stomach.

Dogs can deal with bacteria much better than we can, so you rarely have to worry about your canine getting sick from bacteria in raw meat. Dogs are meat-eaters, after all!

When they do get upset tummies, it’s often a result of introducing new foods too rapidly or from mixing raw and dry food (which some dogs don’t deal with well).

It’s not a matter of if your canine will get an upset tummy, it’s when. ?

Usually this is no big deal (other than maybe a mess to clean up), and it will pass. There’s typically no need for a vet visit.

When this happens to my dog, I typically fast him for 24 hours.

How to avoid upset tummies:

You can’t avoid this completely (things happen), but I recommend you introduce new foods slowly over a few days or even a week.

Also, if you need to feed dry food for whatever reason, it’s best to wait at least 12 hours after your dog’s many recent raw meal. start with a small amount of dry food to see how your canine does.

2. Not feeding enough organ meat.

Balanced raw canine food diets ought to include a variety of organ meat. See some recipes here. The general percentage raw feeders agree on is that 10 percent of the diet ought to come from organ meat (kidneys, pancreas, lungs, whatever you can get!), and about half of that ought to be liver.

But, organ meat is hard to find. because of that, some people don’t feed any organs or not enough.

For example, the grocery stores in my area only sell beef liver as well as chicken and turkey livers and hearts. That’s something, but not enough.

Hvad du kan gøre:

You can get organ meat from some butchers or from food co-ops or from friends who hunt. I recommend you stock up and store the meat in a freezer.

But if you’re searching for a simpler, store-bought option, I recommend adding one of these to your dog’s diet:

Base mixes from The truthful Kitchen

The base mixes from The truthful kitchen are a convenient option. All you have to do is mix in your own meat. No organs or bones are required due to the vitamins and minerals in the base mix. I verified this with THK, just to make sure.

To give you an idea, a 7-pound box of base mix will last my 70-pound canine about a month. It’s not a bad cost either at around $58. Klik her.

Primal grinds

Primal Pet Foods makes a variety of “grinds” developed to be added to your dog’s meals. many of these grinds include hearts, liver and bone, so you would add in your own meat and – if you choose – fruits and veggies.

These grinds are a convenient way to add a little variety.

3. Not feeding enough calcium.

Some canine owners are scared to feed any raw bones, which is understandable. I used to worry about feeding bones too.

To make sure your canine gets the best balance of calcium and phosphorus, the general recommendation is that about 10 percent of the dog’s raw diet ought to be raw bones.

This is really easy to do if you’re comfortable feeding chicken with bone.

For example, I feed my canine chicken thighs and others feed chicken quarters or chicken necks. You can even grind these up first if you have a meat grinder.

If you’re unpleasant feeding bones, there are other options. Obviously, you can always feed a pre-made raw brand where the bones are already ground up in the meat.

Another option is to look into a bone meal or a calcium supplement. You can even use egg shells to make your own calcium supplement.

4. handling puke and regurgitation!

Yep, this is just going to happen at some point if you feed raw. There’s no way around it!

Even if you feed dry canine food, you may have discovered your canine throws up a yellowish liquid every now and then, typically in the morning before a meal.

This hardly ever happened to Ace when I fed him dry food, but it happens every now and then when he’s eating raw.

It’s no big deal, other than it’s a pain to clean up. It’s just the stomach acid his body is producing in preparation of digesting his raw meal.


Finally, it’s normal for dogs to throwOp den mad, de lige spiste i køb for … vent på det … spist den igen! Dette hjælper med fordøjelsen, og K9s over kaffe havde et informativt indlæg om emnet sidste måned. Regurgitation er normal, og det sker. … hunde!

Af og til vil min hund også kaste et stykke ledben op fra et kyllingelår.

Dette freakede mig virkelig ud i starten, men jeg har lært, at det er en naturlig måde for hunde at slippe af med mad, de måske har en sværere tid med at fordøje. Nu hvor min hund er vant til rå knogler, gør han sjældent dette.

5. Din hunds samlede diæt er ikke afbalanceret.

En ernæringsmæssig ubalance er sandsynligvis det mest almindelige problem med hjemmelavede rå diæter, ville du ikke være enig? Hvis hundens diæt mangler over tid, kan det resultere i problemer ned ad vejen. Se mit indlæg, 5 forslag til fodring af rå hundemad.

Det er usandsynligt, at sundhedsmæssige problemer vil ske natten over eller om et par uger eller endda måneder, men der kan opstå problemer til sidst.

Tænk over det, vi kan overleve på kartofler eller grillede ostesandwich i et stykke tid, men det er ikke nøjagtigt den sundeste på lang sigt, ikke?

Hvad det kommer ned til er, at vi alle prøver vores bedste. Vi burde altid evaluere, hvad vi fodrer vores hunde og foretager positive ændringer, hvis vi har råd til dem.

Ingen diæt er perfekt, ikke min, ikke din og bestemt ikke vores hunde. Men vi kan altid se efter små måder at foretage små forbedringer over tid på, og det er det, der tæller.

OK, nu vil jeg høre fra nogle af jer, fordi jeg ikke har alle svarene.

Hvad er dine problemer med at fodre en rå diæt?

Hvad ville du liste som en potentiel sundhedsrisiko?

Hvis du søger efter meget flere detaljer om fodring af en rå diæt, går min e -bog “10 Easy Raw hunde madopskrifter” over alt hvad du behøver at vide. Omkostningerne er $ 9, og det inkluderer 10 lette opskrifter. Download e -bogen ved hjælp af knappen nedenfor.


*Dette indlæg inkluderer tilknyttede links

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