Is it best to instruct a canine a formal heel command?

A lot of canine owners do not bother teaching their dogs to walk nicely on a leash.

Det er fint.

Some of us might work on this “heeling” or “loose-leash walking” concept part of the time. Half-assed. maybe we get somewhere or maybe not.

Some people depend on slip collars or anti-pull harnesses. That’s fine, too.

Ace and I have been working on a pretty strict heel for years, implying my canine is always at my side while on the leash. I say “years” because heeling is always a work in progress. No canine or canine owner will ever be perfect.

A goofy, drooling mutt like mine has the potential to create a lot of chaos. We don’t call him Ace the crash test Dummy for nothing.

That’s why Ace is expected to yield to me at doorways. He is expected to walk on a leash without pulling. He is expected to save running and chasing a ball for outside.

This works for us.

I don’t obsess about being “dominant.” I just want a well-mannered dog.

Heel vs. loose leash

To me, “heel” implies the canine will walk at my side with her nose even with my leg. The leash is always loose, and the canine knows to pay attention, to copy my pace and to stop if I stop. Heel is a “position” much more than an action. It means, be at my left side.

There are very few dogs that actually know how to heel.

Walking on a “loose leash” implies the leash ought to always be loose, but the canine doesn’t have to remain at my side. She might be a step behind. She might be four feet in front. who cares, as long as she’s not ripping my arm off.

So which is better? “Heel” or “loose leash”?

It really doesn’t matter. just pick what works for you. many of us do some combination of the two where “heel” implies “just stay typically on my left and not too far ahead.” You have to do what works for you and your dog.

For me, at least at this point in my life, I want Ace and my new pup Remy to obey and understand the heel command. I delight in conventional obedience training, and I admire the relationship a well-trained canine has with her owner.

I love that no matter where Ace is, I can say, “Ace, heel!” and he walks over and sits at my left side. I love that if we have no leash, he still knows where to be. Remy is not at that point yet. We’re working on it. (Work in progress, remember?)

I also see nothing wrong with allowing a canine to walk ahead on a loose leash for part of every walk or even for the entire walk.

Why ought to I instruct my canine to heel?

A canine that knows how to heel is a canine that is under control. This doesn’t happen by chance. It happens after the owner puts many, numerous hours into walking, training and bonding with that dog.

A canine that knows how to heel does not appear threatening to other dogs or people. Dogs that are pulling or walking in front typically give off an excited, dominant energy – tail high, ears up. Dogs that are walking calmly beside their owners give off a unwinding energy.

A canine that heels is safe from traffic.

She knows some self control, pays attention to her owner.

A canine that heels is a canine that gets to go along to much more places. walking with her is relaxing, and her leash is never tense. She knows to look to her owner for direction, even under the tension of new surroundings, new people, new smells, new dogs.

A canine that heels is a canine people admire.

How do I instruct my canine to heel?

Teaching a canine to heel does not have to be strict. It ought to be fun.

The concept of heel is typically associated with yanking on choke collars or keeping the leash as short and tight as possible.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

I train a canine to heel by teaching her that we do not go anywhere unless she remains at my side. I do not give her the opportunity to get ahead.

No matter what, I hold the leash very lightly in my hand. I ought to be able to hold it with literally two fingers.

If I hold the leash tight or wrap it several times through my hands, the canine will try to resolve the tension by pulling. If I loosen my grip, the canine relaxes.

Training collars are terrific tools to give you much more confidence and control.

I don’t care what you use – a slip collar, Halti, prong collar, gentle Leader, shock collar, harness – they all work for certain dogs. I’ve used and recommended each of them.

If you need to appropriate your canine for sneaking ahead, then appropriate her with a quick, light pop of the leash. This is not implied to cause worry or pain. think of it as a tap on the shoulder, something that might cause your canine to think, “Oops! Didn’t imply to get ahead!”

If you are doing your job by remaining calm, staying positive and holding the leashlightly, a small adjustment will get your dog’s attention.

And when she’s doing something right, by all means, let her know!

“Wow! What a good heel! god hund!”

Another trick is to rapidly switch directions. Tit.

When you walk in a straight line, the canine will focus ahead and try to get to that anonymous smell as fast as she can.

So, change your pace. walk in circles. Zig-zag. turn and run the opposite way screaming “Wooooooo! Go, Ace, go!”

You want your canine to have fun!

Also, make sure your canine is getting enough exercise and going to plenty of new areas. Heeling comes much much more naturally if your canine is well socialized and well exercised.

Read my new post: how I’m teaching Remy not to pull.

Why ought to I instruct my canine to walk on a loose leash?

Although I believe teaching a canine to heel is important, the much more laid-back concept of loose-leash walking is growing on me.

Humans have bred dogs to do all kinds of work that involves running ahead of us.

We are slow and dogs are fast.

Huskies and malamutes are bred for running ahead and pulling sleds.

Sporting dogs are bred for running ahead to flush, point or retrieve birds.

Shepherds and collies are bred for running ahead to herd and control sheep.

Terriers are bred for running ahead to chase mice, rabbits and other prey or pests.

Most dogs are developed for speed and work.

Why do we get so upset if our dogs have a hard time heeling?

For one thing, it’s about control. There’s a lot of hype about being “dominant” over your canine or being a leader to your dog. A canine that walks ahead of you doesn’t respect you, a trainer might say.

Try not to think of it that way, especially if you’re a control freak. You’ll just end up feeling frustrated with your dog.

My young boy Ace is a very submissive dog. It’s clear he sees me as the leader, yet he still pulls on the leash if he gets the chance. and there are plenty of scenarios where he won’t “listen” to me.

Ace is just being a dog. There’s nothing complex about it.

Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks.

Sometimes I worry about what other people think of me and my dog. Do they think I’m training him right?

Og hvad så.

Forget about that “perfect” canine your pal has. All dogs are ideal sometimes.

Forget about your brother. He just thinks he’s the better trainer.

Forget about what Cesar might do or what any other “expert” might do. You may not see their mistakes, but they still make them.

Every canine is different.

Certain breeds and certain dogs are a lot harder to train than others.

Worry about yourself and what you want from your dog.

Focus on the things your canine does well. He’s probably a very good dog.

If the concept of heel brings out disappointment and tension for you and your dog, it’s not worth it. A walk with your canine ought to always be fun and relaxing. Try the loose-leash walking concept. What’s the big deal?

How do I instruct my canine to walk on a loose leash?

Teaching a canine to walk on a loose leash is typically associated with positive reinforcement canine training. The canine can walk ahead, but once the leash is tight, the owner stops. The idea is that the canine goes nowhere unless the leash is loose. It’s a very easy concept, and it works well as long as the owner is consistent.

For some dogs, their favorite treats or toys are the ideal rewards for not pulling. For many dogs, moving forward is enough of a reward.

This implies you are going to have to ditch that Flexi, retractable leash for now. Flexi leashes reward dogs for pulling, and because you’ve read this far, I’m assuming you don’t want your canine to pull. once your canine has mastered loose-leash walking, then maybe the Flexi can work.

If your canine has already mastered the heel command, then walking on a loose leash will take little effort.

All I do is tell Ace “OK!” and he understands he has the freedom to trot ahead, to smell mailboxes, to pee on snowbanks. Every five minutes or so, I tell him “heel” and he is expected to return to my side.

Do you instruct your canine to heel?

There’s no best or wrong way to go about canine walking.

The best walks for Ace and I are actually when there is no leash whatsoever – no rules, no worries, no agenda.

Our only goal is to spend time together.

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